Tuesday, July 21, 2015

~DIY: Adventures with Shrink Plastic!~

Hi hi hi everyone! Finally my week has settled down and I have time to blog and craft ^.^ Recently I found something amazing at our local Daiso: SHRINKIES!!! I've been searching for these at the craft store for so long but I never seem to find any! Especially this clear kind that I can easily trace on :3 I believe there are some types of shrink plastic that you can print things on with a printer and do it that way but I haven't been able to find that type yet  >__<

If you don't know what a shrinky is (aka Shrinky Dinks) it's this amazing type of plastic that starts out sort of flimsy like paper and when heated shrinks down and hardens into a solid little object! The one I bought at Daiso comes with 2 small sheets and 1 big sheet, and some keychains if you want to make some! I believe this is a new item because I've never seen it it our Daiso before *0*

On the back it says you need oil markers and I found that Sharpies work great! Some people have used colored pencils but I found them difficult to use on this plastic.

-shrink plastic (either this lil' kit from Daiso or any other type you can find at the craft store!)
-toaster oven
-Maybe some jewelry pliers and wire if you want to make danglies
-hole punch if you want to make danglies and/or keychains
-or pin backs if you want to make pins like I did! :D and hot or super glue
-acrylic paint and paint brushes if you have limited colors of Sharpies like I did
-scissors and/or exacto knife and mat if you have them! They would really come in handy ^__^
-Mod Podge for sealing if you use my painting method

Other than following the instructions on the back, my method was to paint in the pictures from the backs of the pins since I only had three colors of Sharpies. So first I took the plastic and traced over the picture I wanted with a fine tip black Sharpie like so:

I don't recommend tracing from your laptop screen like I did here but I was lazy to print it out lol~ Can you see the shrink plastic?

Hopefully you can see here how I traced over the picture~

I put a piece of paper behind the plastic to check my progress ^.^

It also helps if you tape down the plastic to the thing you're tracing so it stays in place ^.^

One thing to remember with shrinkies is that they shrink! The directions usually tell you how much they will shrink and in this case it said they would shrink to 1/4 of their original size. But just keep in mind when you pick a picture to trace or draw that it will end up being quite a bit smaller!

Before puttin' in the oven

After puttin' in the oven! See the size difference?

Then I retraced to make sure the lines were nice and cut out my picture carefully! This is where an exacto knife would have been nice if I had one T___T You really should be careful when going around corners and things because you might accidentally rip through your picture if your force the scissors around~ If you're making a keychain or charm or dangly now is a good time to punch a hole in the area you want your loop to be.

First trace

Second trace ^.^

This plastic required about 130 degree Celsius oven but my toaster oven only has certain temps and was in Fahrenheit so I set it to about 275 degrees and it worked just fine ^.^ But make sure you check your own oven settings as well as the requirements for your particular plastic! Temps and times can vary sometimes so you just have to keep an eye on your plastic so it doesn't over "cook" and burn. It takes about a minute on average is what I've found and it's so fun to see it curl up and shrink! Once it goes to a pretty much flat state quickly take it out with tongs and place it between two sturdy books or a book and your counter! This will help it flatten out. The first time I tried this I took too long to take the pins out and they look slightly curved:

Whoops >.<

Just know that it takes a few tries to get it just right! Even my fourth batch ended up with completely curled up pins so don't get frustrated and just keep trying until you get the right technique down :D

This happens sometimes T^T And this is from my sixth batch! (Each batch=2 haha)

Now all you have to do is get painting! I used acrylics and a fine tip paintbrush. This was easy to do since the plastic I was using was clear. I sealed the back with Mod Podge because if you get the back wet the paint will easily rub off.

The backs just after painting all of them, before Mod Podge.
When the Mod dries all you have to do is glue the pin back on aaaaand:

Strawberry Pocky, Cherry Coco from Line, Caramel Corn, Peko-chan, Qoo drink (dangly), Barbapapa, Apollo chocolates, Yotsuba, Sailor Moon, K-On!, my Chanrio (Abby-Chanrio <3), and Yakult! I made a few more since I took this one (seen at the top of this post) :3

Yay! You're done! Aren't they cute??? And you can make detailed drawings and still notice all the details when it shrinks ^.^ I'm clearly obsessed with this right now hahaha. Summer is my crafting heaven!!

Hope you enjoyed this little adventure in the land of shrinky dinks! And remember if you're copying someone else's design to ask them for permission to copy their artwork if you can! And don't sell other people's artwork as your own :3

xoxo Abby

Thursday, July 16, 2015

~DIY: Pencil Pouch~

OK OK I know it's not back to school yet but I just wanted to share this tutorial with you because it's super easy and super useful! I LOVE LOVE LOVE pencil pouches, it's a terrible obsession. The other day I was browsing around Kinokuniya Bookstore in Uwajimaya in the International District (Seattle) and I saw these super cute minimalist pencil pouches that had doodles of writing and drawing paraphernalia on it~ I was smitten until I snuck a peek at the price --> $15! No wayyyy I was going to pay that much for such a small pouch.

--> Sidenote: Does anyone else get that little nagging feeling of "oh you can make that! Don't buy it!" whenever you go shopping? It's kind of annoying and frustrating at times because I end up telling myself that I can make something but I don't end up making it T__T Hahaha~

Anyways, I remembered I had some leftover fabric from the overalls I made that would be perfect for simple little pencil pouches! There are tons of cool tutorials out there that teach you how to sew/no sew a pencil pouch. But I just used a quick and easy method that creates a nice clean pencil pouch. Specifically, this is a tutorial for a pencil pouch that has a lining and zipper closure ^__^

Things you'll need:

-outside fabric of your choice: I recommend something a bit thicker and not a flimsy cotton fabric for the outside of your pouch. It just makes it last longer and hold up nicer! I used bull denim for the black one and some sort of upholstery fabric for the mint one.
-inside fabric of your choice: this one can be any type of nice/cheap flimsy fabric just to line the inside of the pouch (if you'd like, I highly recommend it though!).
-sewing machine <-- with a zipper foot! and thread in matching or contrasting color to your pouch
-iron: highly recommended if your fabric is a bit wrinkly
-ruler and a pencil
-paints, embroidery thread and needle, buttons, cute things to decorate your pouch with if you'd like :D

Difficulty: Beginner! This is a great tutorial for practicing sewing nice straight lines and is especially good to practice for putting zippers in and using a zipper foot! You can practice making tons of pouches and give them to your friends as back to school gifts in the fall or something? Hahaha~

You want to start by cutting out some rectangles, four to be exact: two pieces of your outside fabric and two of your inside fabric, all in identical measurements. Your rectangles should be longer than the longest item you might put in your pouch. This could be your longest make-up brush if you're making a make-up pouch, your longest paintbrush, pencil/pen etc. Ideally you want the fabric to accommodate your zipper as well. My pouch ended up being about 23cm by 12cm with about 2cm extra both lengthwise and width wise for seam allowance :3

If your fabric is a bit wrinkly, now is the time to break out the iron! Woo hoo!

Next you're gonna make a zipper and fabric sandwich! Lay one piece of your lining fabric "right side up" meaning, the "front" of the fabric with the pattern (if you have one) should be facing up. Next lay one edge of the zipper on the edge of the lining fabric facing up as well. Then take your outside pouch fabric and lay it face down (right side down), on top of the zipper. All the edges need to match up and it should look like this:

White fabric is facing right side up, then zipper, then outside fabric (black) facing down.

Pin that sandwich together

and straight stitch all the way down!

Try to sew as close to the zipper as you can! Whether you're practicing hand sewing or machine sewing this is a great practice for that ^__^ Then just repeat that same sandwich on the other side of the zipper with the two other pieces of fabric and you should have something that looks like this!

Now lay it out flat with outside fabric and lining together like so

How it should look from the bottom (will be inside of your pouch) 

To help everything stay in place it's nice to do a top stitch along the zipper like this:

This is what the outside of your pouch should look like at this point.

Again make sure to sew close to the zipper, and be careful to keep your outside and inside fabric straight as you stitch or you might ind up with bunchy fabric near the zipper, which might cause it to stick later! So make sure you pull the lining fabric as you sew. :3

If you want to embroider something onto your pouch I suggest you do that now before sewing it up to prevent having to embroider through both the inner and outer layers of fabric! I painted and embroidered mine before moving to the next step but you can move on if you want to paint afterwards or leave it plain ^__^

Now we are getting to the actual pouch-y part of the tutorial! Start by unzipping your zipper about halfway Take your outside fabric, right sides facing together and sew it shut. Before sewing you could pin all the edges together, which helps keep the sides of your pouch straight. Then do the same with the inside lining (right sides facing together) BUT!!! Leave hole in the bottom big enough to turn the pouch inside out!!! If you forget this step you'll have to cut a hole in your nicely sewn pouch to get it turned right sides out! So don't forget to leave a hole in the lining! You can cut any excess fabric so your pouch isn't too bulky in the end and you can have clean edges and corners ^___^

On the bottom of the outer fabric side you can see the inside of my embroidery ^.^

Yay! Almost done! Just pull the pouch through the hole you (hopefully) left in the lining and through the zipper. Unzip the whole pouch and then poke poke poke the edges and corners of the pouch and you should have this nice rectangular shape :D The last thing you have to do is sew up the hole in the lining, just tuck the edges in and straight stitch ^.^

First pull through the hole in the lining, then go through the hole you left in the zipper!

BAM! You've got your very own pouch! Sorry if the tutorial was a bit confusing. If you need help use this and this link for reference :3

I thought about trying to recreate the pencil and pens I saw on the pencil pouches at Kinokuniya, but I decided this pouch would look cute with a little Moomin on it xD So I asked my sister to sketch Moomin for me in pencil and I just filled it in with paint and drew on the details and flowers and such :3 But you can do whatever you wish to do with your cool new pouch!

Happy sewing everyone!c: And sorry for the inconsistent posting again! Summer has been busy and I'm LOVING it <3

xoxo Abby

Thursday, July 2, 2015

~Shop Review: Dog Dog on Storenvy (UPDATED 8/3/16)~

Hey hey hey! ANOTHER blog post in the same week?! HECK YEAH!! This is also my first review post NOT about beauty products but rather, a store! Today I'll be reviewing an online shop called Dog Dog.

***NOTE: This is not a sponsored review and if in the future I ever do get sponsored by a store to review something I will let you guys know! There's nothing worse than getting dishonest reviews either so please know that all my reviews are just my opinion based on the items I have received (including the quality and conditions etc. of the items) and how I/my order(s) have been handled by the store being reviewed! Whether I'm being sponsored or not won't change the way I review :3 Thanks!***

So a little background on Dog Dog. I'd been following another storenvy run shop called Inu Inu for some time now. And I think I even had some of their items on one of my past Wednesday Wish list posts before? Apparently they had a falling out with their product providers whom I believe are based in China. I really need to fact check all this information. Anyways, the product providers stopped supplying to the Inu Inu brand because they were not paid properly or something and now they have become their own brand called Dog Dog (which to my understanding is the English translation of the Japanese [Romanized] words Inu Inu!).

The first noticeable difference between the two brands is the price. Dog Dog states specifically that they want their prices to be much more reasonable than what Inu Inu sells their stuff for. The thing about price is, I don't mind having to pay a lot to a brand that treats their workers (including factory and shipment workers and such) well. That includes proper factory facilities and a livable pay. I don't know how much they are being paid and what the conditions are and whatnot which is the thing that makes me the wariest about buying from this brand and countless other brands that are so "cheap".

Not to brush off such an important topic (I'll expand on ethical clothing another day when I've done more research on it), but back to the review:

The package came in this bag:

And the address of the place it was sent from....whoops I didn't flip the camera @__@ my bad!
Says its from somewhere in China called Huangshi Road Baiuin Dist., Guangzhou

Here's what the clothes looked like fresh outta the parcel:

Nicely packaged in plastic. They weren't just stuffed or shoved in there or anything either which is nice.

Upon opening the package there is a strong chemically smell. You get used to this smell from ordering from overseas websites. It's only strong after a while though and goes away after a good wash or two.

The first one I was excited to open up was the Egg and Bread bag! You know how much I love eggs hahaha <3__<3

Had a protective fabric covering, much appreciated.

The strap is inside the bag! Along with some padding to help the bag keep it's shape.

Super cute *__*

Also very spacious, it's a bigger bag than I thought! YESSS~

Egg Bread bag was a success! Very happy with that one :3

Next up: Milk tee shirt! 
This one I wasn't sure I wanted to get because of a post I saw about cultural appropriation and inappropriate use of other languages/cultural images in fashion. I took a chance at this milk shirt anyways though. *sigh*

I don't know if you guys can see but the Inu Inu tag is still on this shirt >.< hahaha
Upon first taking it out of it's plastic bag and unfolding it I was just like...oh no. Usually I like super big roomy shirts, but I was hoping this one would be a little smaller. Shame on me for not looking at the sizing chart thoroughly. That's what I get for getting a taboo shirt.

SO BIG! But also so comfy =^__^=

Stop trying to be cool Abs, geez.

The material of this shirt is a stretchy one. Probably some sort of mostly polyester, partially cotton blend. The print looks nice and clear. I ordered a size XXL and the sizing details shown on the website look correct for the most part. I need the length of an XS shirt and width of an XL shirt apparently :') lol. 

Breakfast outfit :'^) Also, here you can see how big the bag AND my shirt are! 
And now for the dresses! I don' usually like collared dresses, they can be tricky because I have a short neck T___T 

But I couldn't resist the prints on these! 


Refreshing :3

These ones feel even more polyester-y than the shirt, so they're a lot stretchier. Both of these dresses come in one size only so I was worried about how these might turn out at first. Then I remembered the Inu Inu brand did a photo shoot and I believe there were some plus sized models wearing these dresses and they were about the same size as me! So then I thought, ok I think I should be fine. And I was right! Just make sure you measure yourself and check the measurements of all items you plan on buying on the website. So far most of their measurements have been accurate, but I just noticed that for some reason the waist measurement on the website says 100 cm (39.9 inches) and the waist is definitely not squeezing me or anything so I measured the waist and bust myself with an accurate measuring tape:

Waist: about 55 cmx2=about 110 cm all the way around (~43 in) Idk where they got 100 cm for the Waist measurement on their website. Hmm.

Bust (I'm wearing it): Fits 106 cm comfortably, still has a lot of room to stretch if you are larger than 106 cm across your bust (see pic below this to see how it fits across my bust) If you are more or less than 106 you can judge whether this is a good fit for you. <106 means a little looser fit than what I have, >106 a little more fitted but not tight until probably 120 cm at least! It's SUPER stretchy you guys!

I'm tilting my neck up in this picture, just an FYI. Also here you can see how it's a beet see through *__* LOL OOPS

I like knee length dresses. I'm about 5ft-5" 1

Watermelon dress is the same as the banana one, this print is a bit more cartoon-y compared to the more realistic (I guess) looking bananas on the other dress!

Since the fabric is a bit thicker and of a stretchy polyester material, it seems it might not be ideal for super hot summer weather. Maybe I'd wear it in the mid 70's temperatures, but I guess it's up to your preference of course! haha. If you're worried about your short neck, maybe reconsider getting this though? The neck is SUPER high and the buttons at the top are a little tight. Another reason why I recommend wearing this in cooler weather. Of course you could always not button it up all the way, but I'm just letting you know in case you do want to button it all the way up and are concerned ^__^.

Since this brand used to be the supplier of Inu Inu,  I guess one might say that this could also be a dual review for the quality of some of Inu Inu's products as well, since they have some of this stuff on their site. I'm guessing they're just selling whatever they have left from Dog Dog but I'm not sure who their new supplier is and if the quality is the same. 

As for customer service, I really had no problems with this order at all! So I didn't have a need to contact them or anything. They emailed me when my order shipped and there was a tracking service. Last I checked it was in LA and before I knew it my package had arrived! And I wasn't even expecting it to come anytime soon (overseas orders can sometimes take MONTHS in my experience) but it was surprisingly fast! I ordered on the 26th of June and it got here by today (July 2nd) which is pretty good! 

All in all I give 9/10 because I don't know how ethical their brand is yet. Yep brought it up again. If I do end up ordering again (which I REALLY want to do but two things I want are sold out right now 3:) I will be sure to really check the sizing well to get the fit I want!~ The website is very easy to use and they use the same Storenvy platform I plan on using for my shop maybe opening in the future *hint hint*. 

If you have any corrections of info I provided here or questions or comments please feel free to comment down below!! Thanks so much for reading lovelies!!

xoxo Abby

***UPDATE 8/27/15***

Hello all!~ Like I said above in this post I wanted to order more things from this shop to get a good range of the quality of their products. Everything in that first order is still very nice and I've had no issues with the quality of those products so far! Yay! So after writing that first review I put in my second order for the fried egg crop top and skirt set (which I'm pretty sure is a knock off of the Japanese brand PUNYUS fried egg set, which worries me a bit honestly...). The order came right on time, though it felt a little longer than the last order, probably just because I was anticipating the arrival of the package unlike last time hahaha~

The clothes were packed nicely in plastic just like the items in the previous order. On the website the measurements for the shirt (listed on their site as Egg TOP, I didn't get the Egg TEE) were 18.7 in for length, 18 in. shoulder, 17.3 in. sleeve, 19.6x2 in.=39.2 in. total bust. So I was pretty sure it would fit, just by focusing on the bust measurement alone.

Yup bust is about 19 in.

For the length I think the measurement they gave was from the back of the shirt and the front is about 15 in. and goes up a little when worn. But it is a crop top so if you want a longer shirt I suggest the Egg TEE which is 32 in long and 26 in wide for their largest size (2XL).

So cute together!

My (over)bust measurement is about 41 in.:

Also, I'm sitting in these four pictures (including this one) if that counts for anything.

And my (under) bust measurement is about 37 in.:

My waist (smallest) is about 40 in.:

And my waist (largest) measurement is about 44 in.:

The measurements for the skirt were 17.7 in. length, 32-46 in waist since it was elasticized and had a lot of stretch to it!

AHHH you guys know how much I love egg print!!

The length of the skirt (and wearing the two together as a set in general) is perfect! My height is around 5ft, give or take a couple centimeters maybe. I haven't checked in a while lol.

The outfit is light weight and perfectly breezy and cool for summer! Any other part of the year I could wear it with tights and a denim jacket or something ^>^ 

I usually wear L-2XL sizes depending on the fit I want and where I buy it from. For example, most of the things I get at Forever 21 are from the plus size section or L if it has a loose, boxy fit. I usually like to keep things oversized, it's just more comfortable for me hahaha~ That being said, this egg set is absolutely ADORABLE even though the crop top is a bit fitted and quite cropped haha. A+ to this order as well! No problems with it or anything.

A few weeks later I decided I wanted to buy a couple more things from the shop that I hadn't tried yet but I saw a lot of people buy. One of them was their pleated skirts and the other was their BACK TO THE FUTURE turtle neck. In the past I have not had much luck with turtle necks (as I said above my neck is short and stubby so it looks weird (IMO) with turtlenecks and certain collars. But I thought this was more of a mock turtleneck (a shorter turtleneck style) so it would look OK on me, right?

All this does is accentuate my double chin. I know it's there shirt, you don't need to remind me, thanks.

I look like a ninja burrito. And yes I am wearing pajama bottoms, I like to blog comfortably, OK? LOL

Isn't black supposed to be flattering?! 

Personally I am not digging this at all. The measurements on the website are as follows: 20.5 in length, 45.7 in bust, 16.5 in. sleeves, 26.4 in. shoulder. That being said, I really should've had a couple inches of wiggle room in this! But alas, this sweater ended up being very tight and uncomfortable on me.

Length is correct. Is this supposed to be a cropped top? Because it feels like it should be one. 

Bust is almost right, give or take an inch, but when I wore it it didn't feel like I had that much room to work with.  Likely due to the un-stretchy material.

Although these measurements were accurate for the most part, they were the most disappointing to me. In the picture the sweater looks a bit oversized, but unless you are a petite girl this might not be very oversized on you. I think the material of this sweater is also what made it very uncomfortable on me. There really isn't much stretch to it and it's quite soft and warm on the inside, somewhat thick as well. More of a cool fall/ winter layering option. I gave it to my sister since it looked better on her and she liked it! LOL <3

As for the black tennis skirt, I was really hoping the 4X would be too big on me, just based off my past experience with 4X skirts in the US. But these are truly ones you have to look at the measurements and believe because their 4X is maybe a L-XL here? It fits but it's tight is basically what I'm saying haha. And the length was a little short for my personal tastes. I'll definitely be wearing these with tights in the fall.

I measured about 15.5 in. and their measurement was 15.7 in. for length. So again it's accurate, it was just my fault for not taking into account the shortness of the skirt for my tastes, as well as the fact that all the tennis skirts have the same length just a different width!

I measured about 17.5 in waist of the skirt one way, which means about 35 in. in total. On the website it says 35.4 in. for the waist so it's accurate! And it really shouldn't have fit me all that well anyways but I wanted to see if it would be bigger than advertised. NOPE! It's the same!

See how it cinches my waist? I'm used to non-elasticized skirts being this way though.

Aaaaand of course it rises at the back because of my BUTT.

Kind of an awkward length personally. Wish it was maybe two inches longer at least?!
Here's the brand (sorry I forgot to flip it!) "Hug Sunshine" in size XXXXL apparently. This tennis skirt is in the standard Chinese sizing, I'm guessing. Lot's of overseas products are like that, especially ones I've ordered in the past so I'm not all that surprised hahaha~

Yeahhhh my last order was a little disappointing to say the least. It also came two days late and was delayed for whatever reason. But at least the tracking service told me it was delayed so I didn't need to contact the shop or anything.
All in all, believe in the measurements given on their website, they're accurate as far as I'm concerned!

Thanks for reading this update! This post is super long now!! LOL!

xoxo Abby

****UPDATE: July 19, 2016****

LOL...you guys...it's time to make this post EVEN LONGER.

I realize I get a lot of views on this blog post so I decided that I should just continue adding onto this one post and update it every time so people can scroll through and read about a particular product they're interested in. If you've read through this entire review...YOU DA BEST AND I LOVE YOU <3 What a champ! Hahaha ^__^

As usual my reviews are based on my personal experience with the particular seller and their products and I am not being sponsored by this store (dog dog) but if I was I would let you all know! Also I live in the US so keep that in mind as you consider my personal shipping experience with this shop. K? We good? Let's get started then!

I don't wanna drone on too long about shipping and ordering because honestly...it's been the same as when I first ordered. All of my orders have come pretty much on time except for the last order right before this update (the 8/27 order update came a bit slow) but surprisingly for a brand based in China the products came faster than I expected! And that's always really nice :3 I actually ordered three things in total but I ordered two from their personal online shop and one through their storenvy store. As far as I can tell both shops offer the exact same things so I'm fairly certain they're the same shop but dog dog has been known to change their website url a few times due to being shutdown by that Inu Inu scandal I briefly discussed at the very beginning of this post. As far as I know the tea for that drama is cool at this point but there's still probably tension between the two shops :/

I placed this order on 7/6/16 and got a confirmation email on that day. Three days later (7/9/16) I received another confirmation email saying that all my items have shipped and it provided me with a tracking number so I can follow my order through USPS. The date I expected it to come was 7/19/16 like it said on the USPS tracking site but I actually checked the mail on 7/18 and both packages were already there! Nice!

Since I ordered from two different storefronts (but from the same store) and on the same day I received two separate packages. Dog Dog offers free shipping to the US using standard shipping (ePacket). If you live outside the US or want to pay for express shipping, check out their FAQ:

So no troubles with shipping or handling there!

I think I provided my measurements on this post somewhere already but I'll list them here again for reference:

Bust measurement
Bust: 42 in/ 106.68 cm

Waist measurement

Waist/Under bust (smallest point):38 in/ 96.52 cm

Hips measurement
Hips (widest point): 44 in/ 111.76 cm
Height: about 5 ft-5' 1 or about 155 cm
Here's a picture of the items I purchased as shown on the website:

I've really been into shirts with collars lately (even though I have kind of a short neck and it looks weird but oh well lol) and the print of this one is cute! And it's oversized so I expected it to work out! Image directly from dog dog website. $14.95.
This shirt is listed as Cute Stationary Shirt on the website and Storenvy. 
Material: Chiffon
Length: 24.4 in
Bust: 51.2 in
Shoulder: 26.4 in
Sleeve: 8.7 in

Usually when I order tops I focus on the bust/waist measurements and most often the bust measurement is the one that's provided. Sometimes I look at the length too so I can figure out if it's more of a crop top or a longer shirt on me. Typically I like shirts to be about XXXXXX inches long. I'll be using a standard measuring tape that I use for when I sew and alter clothes to measure both myself and the clothes. 

"Boyfriend Denim Jacket" Image directly from dog dog website.  $19.95
I'm a sucker for a good denim jacket  and I'm always looking for different washes (lighter, darker, faded, patchy etc.) and I already have two (one washed out/grey from F21 and one denim blue) but this one looked like it was nice and oversized and it had a cool blue wash rather than a grey one so I decided to try it out! This one actually came in three different sizes and I chose the Large (I opt for the biggest size even when looking at measurements for off brand clothes when I buy online, just in case! I'd rather have something that's a little too big than too small >.<) SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave


Taken directly from the Storenvy dog dog site. 

Just looking at the bust measurement I should really be able to order a small and it would fit me, in the end I still chose large though lol.

This last item is the one I bought from the storenvy site. The denim jacket and stationary shirt I bought from the dog dog net store and then as I was browsing the storenvy store right after I placed m order, I saw these denim jeans:

"Boyfriend Jeans" Image taken directly from website. $14.95 ON SALE. Originally $24.95.
This one came in a range of sizes as well! I really wanted these even though I didn't have a discount (you can use "dog dog" as a discount code at checkout if you get over $30 on your order I believe??) but they looked stretchy and the color looked nice so I thought, "why not!". 


Image clipped from dog dog net website. 
Based on the measurements I made of myself I should've been able to maybe squeeze into the 2XL but definitely fit into the 3XL so that's the size I ordered. I assumed the measurements they provided for the "Hip" measurement was when stretched because the pants looked like they have an elastic waist band even though it wasn't specifically mentioned in the description of the item. Nonetheless, I believed the item would fit even if the measurement was taken if the pants were not stretched.

Now let's take a look at the items I received in the mail! :~)

My camera and the lighting make this look SUPER blue but it's pretty true to the color in the shop photo!
Let's start with my favorite item and work our way *ahem* down from there -.- hahaha~ This denim jacket is GR8!! Some of my other denim jackets are pretty thick so they're better for autumn layering, but this is just right! I can wear this on breezier summer or spring days and feel covered but not crazy warm! One of the first things I noticed about this jacket when I took it out of the bag was an overpowering chlorine smell?? A lot of items that come from overseas shops tend to have this chemically smell. For denim it's suggested that you mix a bit of castile soap (Dr. Bronners is good!) to help get rid of it. It worked pretty well for me!

Yay it closes with extra room! Also this color is accurate :3
There seems to be plenty of room in the bust area, so how did it measure up?

Bust measurement
I measured approximately 24 inches across the front of the jacket so all the way around this would be about 48 inches. I'm guessing when the bust measurement was made for this jacket it was done a bit lower near the under armpit area. The measurement given for this size L denim jacket was 50.2 inches so it's pretty close! Again it depends on where exactly they measured.

I like to wear my denim jacket open but I wanted to see if I could button it all the way down:

Buttoned up!
It buttoned just fine for the first two buttons, then I noticed how tapered this jacket really gets toward the bottom...hahaha

I couldn't button the last two on the bottom hahaha. The buttons are a bit wiggly too so I didn't want to force it in case the button popped off! In general it's a pretty sturdy piece of clothing but you can never be too careful when it comes to buttons hahha.

Speaking of quality, here are some more product shots!:

Chinese brand
There was a small hole in the side seam, easily fixable but a tad bit disappointing >.<
There weren't any major flaws besides this one small hole (I could fit my pinky through it!) but there were a lot of loose threads that I had to snip off. It was no biggie and this is pretty common with wholesale-esque stuff like this.

Length: about 29 inches
Length on the website said 26 inches but again it depends on where they measured. I started from the top of the collar so I'm guessing they might've started from the shoulder to get 26 inches.

Shoulder measurement: about 26 inches across the front
15 inches for the shoulder measurement on their website was really the only one that I found was wayyyy off! I wonder if they had someone try it on and took the measurements from where the garment came on their shoulders? Hmm.

Another minor detail about this denim jacket is that when it came out of the package the pockets were sewn shut! I was pretty interested in this fact because I know a lot of professional wear (work suits and the like) have the pockets sewn shut! It's an easy fix to get them open though:

At first I thought they were fake pockets and I was about to be sad :c

Be gentle and make sure to only get the thread and not the actual jacket or the pocket! You don't wanna get a hole in those!
You can use a seam ripper or a sharp pair of scissors! Be careful you don't cut yourself or the jacket! Carefully snip away at the thread from the inside of the pocket and...

TA-DAH! Open pocket! 
Two pockets on each side :3

Overall this was my favorite item in these packages...and maybe even my favorite item I bought from the entire dog dog store??? It's just so versatile! I highly suggest you get this denim jacket if you don't already have one because these babies are a closet STAPLE for sure!

Alright...now for the disappointing items hahaha 3:

Cute right? Well..sorta haha
I was sooo excited about this print when I saw it online!! I love grid prints! And stationary! And collared shirts!! And I know we've learned that my neck isn't so great in collared shirts but I went ahead and bought this shirt anyways hahaha~

Now that's the face of a happy camper!
Yeah...collared shirts still don't work on me hahaha. Not this type of collar anyway ;__;

The fabric material is what throws me off the most. This is mainly my fault though!! The website as the material of this shirt listed as "chiffon" so it's definitely a flowy, thin material! You can kind of see my BRIGHT PINK bra through the shirt in the pic above for example hahaha >.<

The print is so cute though ughhhh >__<
Another thing I noticed about this shirt is the collar is REALLY stiff! So if you're someone that HATES floppy collars, this shirt is for you! hahaha~ More things I didn't noticed on the website pics and are completely my fault: 1.) the buttons don't go all the way down, 2.) it's very boxy.

Le sigh...ok, let's do the measurements:

Length measurement from top of the collar to bottom.
The length measurement is accurate! I measured a little over 24 in and the website said 24.4 :-) On me I think the length is decent because you can tuck it into things but it's not exactly a crop top length either.

Goes down to about top crotch area I guess?!

Bust measurement
 I measured approx. 23 in across the front (so about 46 inches around the bust) and the website says 51.2 inches. Another difference in measuring tape placement I suppose...refer back to my measurements and compare them to your own! I still had some wiggle room but not enough to say that the shirt is super loose and baggy like I thought it would be. It's still a bit more fitted.

Overall, not the most comfortable shirt I've ever worn since there's no stretch (mentioned on the website but I didn't mind that at the time because I was expecting it to be a lot baggier and looser) and the collar is so stiff and terrible I'll have to figure out a way to fix it. Cute but not a staple. It looked super cute on other people though -.-

Last item!!! The most disappointing since that black pleated skirt!!! LOL

Oh man, when I saw these jeans on the website I was SOOOO excited! 1.) High waisted 2.) Denim 3.) A decent denim color 4.) ELASTICIZED!! I was sold!! Then when I opened the package...sadness.

I ordered the biggest size for these pants 3XL with a measurement of 47.2 inches in the HIP area. At my widest point I measured 44 inches for my hips so I thought these pants would fit just fine!! NOPE.

You see, when I read these measurements I decided that the HIPS measurement is probably referring to the elastic waist band part...yeah no.

Waist band measurement stretched as far as we could.

I measured about 17 inches across the front with the waistband stretched as far as my sister and I could pull it so all the way around the waist would've been 34 in...WELP. If the hips measurement is for the waist band area then it's WAYYYY off! If you can see in these other pictures:

Widest point measurement across front
We also measured the point that looked the widest on the front of the jeans to see if that's where the measurement might've been made. I'm guessing since these pants are "high waisted" they listed the HIPS measurement and measured that as the area where your hips will likely be when you're wearing the pants. This area measured 21 in across the front so about 42 in all the way around...which is still off. It would've been VERY helpful if they listed the waistband measurement on their website and not just the hip area because now these pants are being worn by my sister (as is what usually happens with these clothes LOL).

Waist band measurement when not stretched.
Length of pants measurement
37.4 according to the website, I measured about 34 inches. Again with the inaccuracy.

Overall these pants were a total disaster. I'm already weary about buying bottom in general online but now I know I'll never buy bottoms from dog dog because they never seem to work out for me T__T.

That's about it for the update! In all shipping is still the same and the quality is about the same for the clothing. The range of items still mainly caters to more petite people but the denim jacket was A+!!

Thanks for reading! <3 <3 <3 Keep the questions coming!! 