Wednesday, December 30, 2015

~End of the Year Recap/Blogiversary!~

HELLOOOO!!! AHHH! Sorry for starting out yelling at you guys! I'm just so excited! I remember (vaguely) at the beginning of 2015 last year when I decided I wanted to start my own blog :3 such fond memories. I just wanted to do a short little appreciation post for everything and everyone of this past year ^.^

Last year I said I wanted this space to be a place I can record my thoughts and share interesting things and whatnot! I think I really did achieve that goal (though not very consistently but nobody's perfect, right? LOL) and I can't wait to experience all the fun things in these next fresh months to come! I hope you are all looking forward to great things in your life (and on this blog :3) as well ^__^

Shout out to my friends (especially Kim who keeps up with all my posts :')) and family (who I don't actually read my blog or know about it but I'm just going to keep it that way lol) who have given me unconditional love and support through this year >__<

And last but not least, thank you to all my lovely lovely readers out there! Thanks for taking the time to scroll through my blog and comment and everything! It truly means a lot! I don't really mention this but perhaps if you enjoy reading my posts and want to keep up with them you can subscribe to my posts and get notifications in your email? I have two totally awesome followers accounted for right now but I know there are people out there who follow my blog consistently and aren't signed up, that's totally ok too! I appreciate all of you! Even you one timers :D I'm truly truly grateful to all of you!

Here are some posts you can (hopefully) look forward to seeing here in the next couple of weeks!:
-Blogger appreciation posts (some of my favorite bloggers!)
-My AM/PM skincare routine
-Updated daily makeup routine
-More beauty reviews (hair, lips, cheek, skin)
-fashion DIY's!!

If you're thinking about starting a blog like I was at the beginning of 2015 last year, I definitely recommend it! It's a great place to collect memories and it's easier to manage than a diary (in my opinion at least lol). You don't have to do it for anyone else, it could be all for you! Or it can be one that helps others! Whatever! Just be careful about what you put out there online about your life and yourself, as always <3

Thanks so much for a great year and see you all in 2016!! Wishing you happiness, clear skin, and peace of mind (that's what I want anyways hahaha) ^__^ YAYYY!

xoxo Abby


  1. Eyyyyy. I see my shoutout! *hugs* Happy blogiversary, Abby! <3
    Also, I would like a review of the brushes you got for Christmas. Because I know you needed makeup brushes. ;)

    1. Hahaha! Thanks Kimothy ^__< *huuugggs* I will definitely do a brush review/tutorial thingy once I know how to use most of them properly lolol xD I see you are also active on your blog again! :DDD I can't wait to try all those Lush products you talked about in your Blogmas posts ;D <3
